Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Zaragoza, May 21

 Slept way too late (until 7:00) so had to hustle.  Ordered una tostada con mermelada y cafe con leche.  So much hope, so much disappointment! Both were cold, but that did not stop me from downing three cafes.  Sometimes you just have to suck it up.

Headed out on a river walk that takes in both sides of the Ebro.  Overall it was prettier than the Thames and just as flat.

But I am getting ahead of myself.  This is the bridge you cross to begin the circuit:

What is a river walk without water fowl?

At about 1:15 I sat on a bench that was supposed to offer a view of the river but grasses got in the way:

Nonetheless, birds were singing, the weather was fine, and the rest allowed me to make some headway on the Spelling Bee.  A two-and-a- half-day-old peanut butter and jam on challah sandwich is still edible.

On the return leg, one could see the Cathedral a few bridges away:

Back in Zaragoza, I was astonished to find....

There was a total of one person in the store! Speaking of stores, people here actually use them.  I have not seen one Amazon truck and this is a sizable city. 

It was about four when I got back to the hotel and it struck me that I had better hustle over to the Goya Museum conveniently located about a block from the hotel.  Most of the works were drawings, rather small, but Goya certainly knew how to depict horror.  Then it was on to a panadería to get a good loaf for tomorrow's sustenance and on to a kebab place for tonight's repast.  The chicken kebab was delicious.  On the way was a stop at a dried fruit and nut store where I augmented my supply.  Candied almonds in Spain are the best, gotta say!

Though I walked 18.5 miles today, it felt almost like nothing, but, no doubt, challenges lay ahead.

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