Tuesday, August 1, 2023

July 31 Windsor to Chertsey

 Chertsey is not a place you visit if you have no reason to be here.  But I am getting ahead of myself.  The accommodation in Eton, a suite over a restaurant, and which cost a bloody fortune, offered some desirable amenities: a mini-frig, toaster, kettle, and microwave.  You could only access the microwave during certain hours, which were not my hours, the fuse blew when I used the toaster, which also knocked out the kettle and the frig.  The wi-fi was spotty and almost all of the ceiling lights were out.  I was not sorry to leave.  Then, at 10:00, I got a call from the taxi driver who was at Gilby's to pick up my suitcase, but the receptionist, due to arrive at 9:30, was not there and neither was anyone else.  The taxi driver waited, but after ten minutes I told him to leave. £7 cancellation fee.  At 11:00 the receptionist showed up, ordered another taxi and the bag was on its way.

Like the town, the hotel at Chertsey is not a place you stay unless you have reason to.  It is a dump with a good shower and a sophisticated heating and cooling system—the windows do not open—but the thermostat simply does not work.  There is also a series of about six doors you have to pass through to get to the room all of which require the swipe of a card.  DO NOT LOSE THE CARD.  And to leave the place, you need to press a button to open the exit door and a numeric code to open the massive iron gates.  I can only think drug trade because truly who would want anything here?  Neither the Crown Jewels nor any others will be overnighting at the Crown Inn.  Oh, wait, maybe I was wrong about that.

Passed through Runnymede:

Where everyone is very proud of the more official-looking Magna Carta:

I have something to say abut this:

It may be on the books but it has not always been the reality.  Well, it does stipulate no free man.  Anyway....Elizabeth, embodying church  and state stands guard on a cross-shaped terrace on which all the monarchs' names are engraved:

 A not-very-good picture of cross-shaped terrace:

At the foot of which is engraved:

I don't get the by the grace of God part.  I think it is something you say so that no one can argue with you.  And greetings to you, sir!

Sculpture titled Swanmaster

Modest house with pretty garden:

Maybe not as modest as it looks since it is on the Thames.

Boat pushing another boat on which is much work equipment:

Pussy cat with definite tiger ancestry:

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