Saturday, September 9, 2017

Redwick to Chepstow , September 6, 2017

6:10 a.m. departure for bittersweet final day.  Such a strange feeling to know that the finish is just some six hours away.  

No rain for the finale!  

The end of the sheep:

Traffic on the M4 at 8:00 a.m. (Would you believe?)

What are these dogs loving?

Turns out they are crazy for blackberries!

Pseudo Golden Gate, but quite stunning in its own right:

A fish out of water:

And, after walking since June 22 in heavy rain and wind, and occasional sun, with a good mix of ups and downs and flat terrain, and facing a rich variety of challenges, which kept each day interesting, finally entering Chepstow:

Third set of poles that serviced the last stages of the 985 miles from Chester.

  Suzie, apparently, had ordered a band to be playing, but, alas, they never showed up!

 What's next?  No idea.........yet!

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