Sunday, September 3, 2017

Cardiff rest day, Sept 2, 2017

Spent most of the day in the National Gallery of Art in Cardiff.  The art museum and the national history museum are in the same building.  A special exhibit on worms attracted my attention, so I headed there first, only to be disappointed to discover that there were no tanks full of live wriggling creatures to delight and amaze, so went off the see art.

There were three special exhibits.  Gillian Ayres was the main one.

  I took a photo:

because they said at the desk that you could, but apparently you couldn't, so a guard rebuked me very nicely and we ended up having a really interesting conversation.  He told me that a particular set of three paintings (maybe it was four) were owned by a school.  "It must be a very wealthy school," I commented, because God forbid I should withhold comment.  "No," he told me. "The school bought them a long time ago for £100 and apparently they were not appreciated because they were covered over with wall paper.  When the school realized what they had, they removed the paper."  Another very large canvass was rolled up and forgotten about for a long time. When found, it was discovered that a mouse had made its home in it, so the painting had to be repaired.

The works were exhibited in reverse chronological order, but in such a way that when you got to the end, and the earliest work, you then passed through the exhibit the other way, so got to review the later pieces in light of the earlier ones.  It was really effective.

You can see some more of Gillian Ayres' work here:;_ylt=A0LEViMH9qpZU28AMxcPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=gillian+ayres+art&fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&hspart=adk&hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt#id=1&

But click on an image to create a slide show 'cause seeing all those paintings together is just a hodgepodge.

One other exhibit I almost did not bother with, but I am so glad I did, was an autobiographic display of Agatha Christie's life in photos.  It was so wonderful!  Because all the commentary was taken from her autobiography, you really felt as if you got to know her, a so sensitive, smart and genuinely honest, lover of life person!  More than an exhibit it was a moving experience.

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