'Twas the truth, but by and by, the beach showed up.

Lots more walking on asphalt today, but there was a little bit of pretty scenery (not photographed), but that came with some navigational problems ups there in the Little Orme. Tomorrow there should be some doozies up in the Big Orme!
After arriving in Llandudno, again in the rain, it was off to the copper mine
Just walking though the tunnels was fascinating:
This looks like a photo that Alex took in Hawaii or at least it reminds me of one:
Some of the things I learned: large stones, bones, and fire can be used to quite some advantage! It does somewhat boggle the mind, as so many things do, that people could extract ore from rocks by such primitive means—that they even thought to do it. More boggling is that tin, which was mined in Cornwall, somehow got together with copper, mined here, to make bronze. Quite some years ago, someone wrote a dissertation called Copper and Tin. It was very short. I think I have a copy (unread).
Though convinced by some of the curation—like that bellows for the fire were made of leather and had logs for handles—some was whackadoodle. For example, blackberry seeds were found in the tunnels, the take on that being that this suggested ritual sacrifice! What, of a berry? Wouldn't seeds be more a sign of bats? Then there was a pair of boots. The thought about that was that them there boots were left for the mine spirits....maybe. Aye, and there's nothing like an old pair of boots when you are a spirit, now, is there!
Anyway, after Effyd's tour of the mine, it was off to the Bodafon nature centre where there is a large collection of owls. Now, owls in cages would be easily photographed 'cause they just sit on their perches most of the time. But since the cages have lots of protective mesh, the birds are not so easy to photograph except when the mesh has some wide openings, like here, for example:
There were some other animals, too:
I am staying at a much nicer place!
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