Friday, June 23, 2017

First REAL day, and second day, too. June 22+23, 2017

21.3 miles from Chester brought me to Greenfield Dock—the mileage should have been a little bit less but I made a mistake at THE CLOCK—at which place I did call for a taxi to get to B&B in Prestatyn, so impossible was the bus schedule to decipher and besides, there were hardly any anyway.  
What a welcome!

Today it rained and it didn't rain and it was windy and then it wasn't, and it was hot and also chilly, so it was possible to try out all the garments and determine whether they were well placed in the backpack.  They were.  The terrain was flat as a pancake and the first twelve miles or so were like the Farmington Canal's worst stretches. Very dull, indeed.  The signage is ehh.  It takes a bit of doing to figure out how best to use the GPS, maps on the phone and stuff, so an easy day with lots of weather changes was tolerable.  I will say this, it is much much easier to walk 20+ miles that to run to Liverpool and Manchester chasing after repairs and devices.

Today, being the tomorrow of yesterday, the weather was the same except it never got hot, and the challenges of finding the way persisted, mostly, but by no means entirely,  due to my own inabilities. Though the distance was less by two miles, the walking was more difficult because a L O N G stretch was on sand and against a heavy wind.

The Duke of Lancaster:

Maybe this is why the Duke (see just above) might be most profitable at Alderman Dow, as opposed to, say, being rented out for bar/bat mitzvahs:

And, though in a nature preserve,  just to stay with the theme of decay (poor birdie):

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