Thursday, April 21, 2022

Malaga, April 20

While most of the city still slept, I headed to the Central Market, another must-do.  Colorful it was, but other than the large bins of wonderful smelling spices, there was nothing terribly unusual about the offerings.  If one wanted fresh fish, however, there were many varieties on display.  (Photo not of fish!)

More wandering about until the Picasso Museum opened at 10:00.  I just love Picasso!  His early work (at least what was on display) is soft and captivating.  (¡Pero ojo! But beware: the posters in the gift shop are an abomination!) 

Picasso painted many heads (and busts) of women:

But He also painted some of men:

He liked animals, and always had a dog.  But this is not a dog:

I got a real kick out of this painting of Susannah and the Elders (see the two geezers peeking through the window?)  I never pictured Susannah quite this way, but then I am not Picasso:

Susannah is a story, a very short story, in the apocrypha, one of three about Daniel's wisdom. You can read it here: 

The museum had a display of "traditional" paintings paired with a Picasso.  If I knew how, I would put these following two next to each other, which is how they should be viewed:

Then off to the Museo Carmen Thyssen.  After the Picasso exhibit, the offerings failed to excite, though the museum itself was beautiful.  From there, a brief stop at the Museum of Musical Instruments, where there were, inter alia, many unusual strings and percussion.  Next stop the Museum of Glass and Crystal, which you can only view on a guided tour.  All those places, names, and dates of which one is informed, are utterly exhausting!  Since there was a lot of reflection, photos did not come out so well, but see the glass hand holding the glass goblet?

No introduction needed for this fellow:

BTW, did you know that Andy Warhol did some glass pieces?

After all these museums +some extra wandering, I was plum tuckered  out.  Walking back to hotel,  I thought it would be nice to have a visual token of remembrance of some of the street pavings in Malaga:

Oh, outside in the plaza some musicians are playing Despacito!  "Poquito poquito, suave suavecito......"


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