Tuesday, July 17, 2018

St. Mary's Loch July 16

At 5:59 a.m. I shut the door to the B and B and headed back the two miles to the path.  Today was the last day one needed an extra two miles because it made the total 22.5.  "Not a good day to go off the path or get lost," I mused as I missed the first stile—totally obscure—but added distance was not significant. It rained and was foggy for several hours and there was a lot of road walking, but chootz mizeh (aside from this), there were some absolutely stunning sections only you will not be able to see them because in the rain and fog, I do not photograph, I push on ahead wondering whether I am wearing the best combination of gear.

Even in the rain, this biggest cow I ever saw had to go on record:

So did this cutest bridge I ever crossed:

And there is always water under the bridge:

Lots of great big pine trees:

This sheep is unusual in that it walked toward me. (Sheep almost always run away.)

But then s/he changed his/her mind:

Blueberry bush growing out of a fence post:

At 17.25miles, sweet little stile leading into field in which was big hill to climb, starting the five plus miles to go, near the end of which was another sizeable hill:

Stone circle.  I think these have something to do with sheep, but someone else might be quite sure that they were devoted fertility rites or something like that:

Treats for the day:  the scenery has changed dramatically.  There were no BPPs, or if there were, it did not matter because they were not in HUGE open moorland where you don't even know where the ground is exactly.  Today the ground was solid.  Where you put your foot, there it stayed.  The grass was shorter, signage improved.  All in all, less daunting, although not a town and barely a habitation in sight.  This is grazing country and a big lumber producing area, so much ugliness from deforestation as well as much beauty.

It must have been a really arduous day because I had, not a dream but hazy thoughts as I was waking up next morning.  "I should go to the University of Chicago," ran the thought, "Yeah, that would be interesting.  But no, that is silly.  Yale is right here.  I can go there and take some language courses."  Sometimes I can hardly stand being me!

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