Monday, September 5, 2016

Penultimate Day

Walking through the military firing range at Lulworth is one of the highlights of this section.  It is demanding, gorgeous, and thrilling.  It would have been even more so had I not missed part of the dramatic coastline by dutifully following the instruction to "stay between the yellow markers."  One has to know that there are several sets of markers, but I, not knowing, did push on about a mile to the west.  As I was walking and walking and walking, I began to think, "It did not look like this when I did this bit with Ruth and Paul several years ago."  There had been wooden steps of the excruciating variety and wooden railings, but this time there were hills aplenty and steps, but not like those hills and those steps.  Finally consult GPSy and go, "OY!"  Fortunately, I was able to make my way back to the proper trail and exult in views like:

And this:

 The demanding climbs and matching steep descents did not end after the 7+ miles in the ranges.  They continued:

Some people do it another way:

One always wants to know what may be lurking inside:

Some sweetness in Worth Metravers after 17+ hard miles.

Heads you win:

Tails, you win, too:

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